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Certain. Safe Digital Safety Deposit Box Review & Rating. Who keeps local copies of files anymore? Online file sharing is where it's at! But if you don't protect your sensitive files with heavy- duty encryption , you could be in big trouble. If you put your company's files online without protection, you could be in really big trouble. Certain. Safe Digital Safety Deposit Box is designed, from top to bottom, with the security of your data in mind.

It skillfully does the job, and can be used by individuals, small businesses, and even enterprises. It's a top pick for secure cloud storage and syncing, as well as for encryption apps.

The service offers two pricing tiers. For $1. 2 per user per month, you get 1. GB of encrypted online storage and the ability to offer access to 1.

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Beyond that, you'll have to ask for a custom quote. You can take the service for a 3.

Note that the company also offers a business- specific version known as Certain. Safe Digital Vault. There's even an API that lets in- house coders incorporate Certain. Safe's technology directly into their proprietary apps.

Bank Vault vs. Storage Shed. Other file sharing services offer a lot more storage for the buck. Dropbox gives you a terabyte of storage for $9.

IDrive charges just $5. And if you spend $6. Microsoft One. Drive, you get Microsoft Office 3. Home as a bonus. On the other hand, Dropbox had to fix a security hole recently, and got breached a few years ago. Cyber crooks use man- in- the- cloud attacks to breach your Google Drive, One. Drive, and Dropbox accounts.

What you get with Certain. Safe is security. The company's literature explains the difference. It likens the typical run of online storage services to the self- storage businesses you find along the freeway.

You can dump all of your stuff in there, and it will probably be safe. Certain. Safe, by contrast, is like a safe deposit box in your bank. When you put your most important data (or your company's) in the safe deposit box, inside the bank's vault, it's safe, period.

Certain. Safe backs up that promise with a laundry list of government and third- party certifications. It is worth noting that some of the competing services have beefed up security to the point where they now promise compliance with HIPAA (the Health Insurance Portability & Accountability Act) and other government standards. Dropbox's business edition now supports HIPAA, FERPA, and COPPA, but its standards page notes that it's . One. Drive for Business promises compliance with HIPAA, FERPA, and several other standards. And of course there's always the option to encrypt your files without putting them in the cloud.

Inter. Crypto Crypto. Expert 8 and Cypherix PE create virtual disk drives that look and act like any other drive when unlocked. But once you lock the drive, its contents become completely inaccessible. Think of it as storing valuables in a safe that you keep in the bedroom. How Certain. Safe Works.

The essential aim of Certain. Safe is to make a generalized data breach impossible. Files are encrypted using a two- part key, one part that's yours and one part held on the Certain. Safe side, with a different key for every file. It's what they call a zero knowledge system; the folks at Certain. Safe have no way to decrypt your data without your part of the key. But that's just the start.

The real standout feature is what they call Micro. Encryption. Your encrypted data gets split up into chunks that are stored on different hard drives and servers. Even without Micro. Encryption, a hacker who simply gets access to encrypted data on a server has a tough time getting that data decoded. A hacker who weaseled into one of Certain. Safe's servers wouldn't have a chance of decrypting data, since each server only contains bits and pieces, not whole encrypted files. Install Wireless Network Card Ubuntu Mate. The encryption is performed using the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) algorithm, the U.

S. All of the encryption tools I've reviewed recently support AES. This emphasis on security shows up again in service's login process. With most secure sites, you enter your username and password and boom!

You get full access. Of course, if the site you logged into was a fraud, a phishing site, you've just given away your credentials. Certain. Safe's login process authenticates you to the site, and authenticates the site to you. First, you enter your email address. Once that address is validated as belonging to an existing account, the site displays an image that you selected during registration, along with an identifying phrase that you supplied. A fraudulent site wouldn't know what to display.

Assuming the image and phrase are correct, you enter your password, which you must do within 6. On the next screen, you have 6. This multistep handshake is decidedly more secure than just relying on username and password. Getting Started. After you sign up for an account, you log in from any browser to complete your registration. Certain. Safe doesn't install anything. There's no app and no local agent, so you can use it on any platform. Once the site has validated the email address you entered, you have some first- time chores to do.

You pick an image from a huge collection, and enter a recognition phrase to further foil fraudsters. This phrase can be anything at all, as long as you know you'll recognize it.

I used a Monty Python quote. Enter your password and click Continue to lock in those choices. After that, you create three security questions and answers. I was pleased to see that Certain.

Safe doesn't offer the absurd default choices that many sites do, like your mother's maiden name, or the city where you were born. Any security question whose answer can be found online is a bad question. Take a moment to think up three questions that only you could answer, and make sure that there's no doubt in your mind as to how you'd answer them. With that, you're ready to start using Certain. Safe. Certain. Safe's main window is effectively a responsive- design webpage. Depending on the amount of space you give it, the display elements move and resize to fit.

When there's plenty of room, the display has three parts. At far left is a menu of four icons: File Manager, Secure Chat, Manage Contacts, and Manage Shares. Selecting one of these displays relevant submenu choices. At right, a panel displays information about the current user, along with some icons for account- related configuration.

The middle panel is initially blank, filling with data as you make selections from the menu. File Manager. The central function of Certain. Safe is secure storage for your most important files, so naturally File Manager is the default menu choice. The top two (and most important) submenu choices are My Files and Their Files.

To start using My Files, you must first create at least one folder. You can create as many folders as you like, nesting them inside each other if you find it useful. Bear in mind that if you choose to share your sensitive data, you share at the folder level, not file- by- file. Now select any folder and click the Upload button to add files. Certain. Safe displays a handy area for you to drag and drop your selections. When you're ready, one click sends the files securely to Certain.

Safe. You can now access your files securely from any browser and view most common file types in Certain. Safe's built- in viewer. You can move or rename files, add comments, or download a local copy. There's also an option to copy the file to a shared space called a Cabinet, but this feature is really aimed at teams using the product in a business setting. An audit log showing all actions taken on the file is also available. And if you have uploaded multiple versions of a file, the Manage Versions button lets you view or revert to an earlier version. You can also move or rename any folder, or move it to the trash.

More importantly, you can share the folder with any of your contacts, or view all active shares. I'll cover sharing shortly.

Just below My Files is Their Files.