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A Comprehensive History of Zionist Crimes. Revised. November 2. Bali . The narrative is essentially in chronological order, so. Some consideration of the reality behind government and press.

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This synthesis is clearly a mix of facts, conjecture and opinion. Although the following description will contain. The material is subject to revision. Contents. Prologue. The Khazars. Zionism. Holocaustianity. World War One. Bolshevik Revolution.

World War Two. King David Hotel attack, 1. Proclamation of Independent State of Israel, 1.

Forrestal assassination, 1. Lavon Affair, 1. 95. JFK assassination, 1. USS Liberty attack, 1.

Operation Trojan (Libya frame- up), 1. Pan Am 1. 03 bombing over Lockerbie, 1. Other late 2. 0th century false- flags. Egypt. Air 9. 90, Atlantic Ocean. October 1. 99. 9Apollo Moon landings, fake conspiracy, February 2. September 2. 00. 1Guantanamo Bay, post 9/1. Motives for Afghanistan/Iraq wars.

AA Flight 5. 87, Belle Harbor, November 2. Dr David Kelly assassination, July 2. Madrid 3/1. 1 train bombings, March 2. US phony Presidential election, 2. London 7/7 train / bus bombings, July 2.

Bali bombings, October 2. Jordan bombings, November 2. Suppression of free speech, 2. Egyptian 2/2 ferry sinking, February 2. Dahab bombings, April 2. Mumbai 7/7 train bombings, July 2. Attack on Gaza and Lebanon, July/August 2.

Liquid explosives plot hoax, August 2. Litvinenko polonium assassination, November 2. Prologue. As governments continue their relentless drive towards global dictatorship.

Mafia exerts. great influence upon the obsequious flunkies and traitors who pose as 'leaders'. The military's legitimate.

Presidents and prime ministers receive a. In contrast, the. The cabal's overriding. Their. interests are not restricted to a. It is logical to refer to this global power elite as a. Zionism was officially supposed to be about.

Jewish people. Back in 1. Jewish terrorists dressed as Arabs bombed the. King David Hotel in Palestine.

These bombers, part of the. In the same year the Irgun also plotted to. British Foreign Secretary Ernest Bevin, although the assassination. British Intelligence. But Zionism did not stop with the. Israel in 1. 94. 8. In. 1. 95. 4, Israel was caught red- handed in a false- flag terrorist operation in Egypt.

In 1. 96. 3, Israel's. Mossad (motto: . Switzerland is a guaranteed war- free zone; the crooks would have too much. In 1. 96. 7 Israel launched a. USS Liberty, hoping to pin the blame on. Egypt. Unfortunately for Israel, they failed to sink the vessel, and had to fall. In 1. 98. 6, Israel's .

Their overt activities included terrorising and oppressing. Palestinians, invading neighboring Arab states, and generally carrying out as. In contrast. Binyamin / Benjamin . Bibi's father Ben- Zion. Milikowsky was. secretary to Ze'ev . Benjamin. Netanyahu was a unit team leader in Sayeret Matkal, an elite special forces unit.

Israel Defense Forces. Bibi, a close friend of Larry Silverstein, was. London on the morning of the 7/7 bombings where he. Netanyahu's job is to supply . It would be too far- fetched to imagine the likes of Barry Manilow.

A week after 9/1. Manilow was. not calling for revenge. And attempts to downplay Albert Einstein's.

The best indications are that the world's. Khazar tribe. There is a.

It is also quite possible that the plotters of murder and mayhem are. Khazar families. It is therefore. Gentiles have been abused. Jewish people have been cruelly exploited. There is no doubt that almost all Jews sincerely believe.

Jews in World War Two. Yitzhak / Izaak. Greenbaum said that. Palestine was worth more than all the Jews in Europe (Poland or the.

But even if the true death toll in the camps - mostly from typhus, and a. Acquiring a sovereign territory was a necessary but not. In order to. achieve the required political power, it was necessary to populate the territory. Hypotheses holding that all Jews are part of a. Adobe Acrobat Xi Pro V11 0 4 With Crack Rar Linux here. And the interesting corollary is that Creationism and Evolution.

It is possible that emergent. A more chilling alternative is that the dinosaurs. Combining elements of each premise would posit that a race of. In order to throw people off the scent, a theory about. Truthful information. Another theory that should be.

This rapidly develops into a. His theory does not account for the Khazars being. Semites, and then these Caucasian. Csi Miami Season 5 Torrent Download. Turkic Khazar descendants have the effrontery to cry . When we. find that a group of people are fundamentally evil, it is only natural for each. It is. hard to see how political leaders could carry out mass murder against their own. And there is. plenty of evidence of inordinate Zionist Israeli (Ashkenazi Jewish) influence in.

But if the. likes of George W Bush and Tony Blair are sociopaths, able to present themselves. Only a fool would claim that. But we. are all part of the human race, and a common characteristic of the various. This. analysis concentrates on Zionists, Israelis or Jews because their criminal. Gentile rivals. In order to improve. The. Mafia cabal's tactics include hiding behind the Jewish people. They hope to deflect attention by pretending that research.

Zionist atrocities and lies will lead to . However, the well- intentioned.

It is high time for a new alignment based upon ethics rather. The cost of doing nothing would be. Approximately 1,2. Turks, Finns and Mongoloids - . Khazaria in the steppe. Black and Caspian Seas - realised that converting to Judaism would reap. Their King Bulan and his advisors wanted to introduce a.

However, adopting Christianity would have left them. Rome; an alternative choice of Islam would have placed them. Caliph of Baghdad. Judaism offered a third way which.

Christians and. Muslims, along with lucrative profits obtained through creating and. Attacks on Khazaria by the Rus', Byzantines and Mongols gradually forced the. Khazar tribe to flee westwards to Eastern Europe, with some continuing right. Spain and others settling in the Middle East including Egypt. The. empire of self- styled or so- called Jews had been completely overrun by the. Genghis Khan around AD 1. In the period up to 1.

Rothschilds' banking exploits. But. in order to become untouchable and more powerful than the governments they.

And by the 1. 88. Desperate times called. A decision was made to create a new world religion, whose tenets would. But the programme went far beyond the land.

Zionism is best used to describe the whole. Machiavellian geopolitical get- immensely- rich- steadily scheme, featuring the. The religion which would be an essential part.

Zionism is best described as Holocaustianity. Early attempts to introduce Holocaustianity's kernel - a hoax of . In June 1. 90. 0, for. Rabbi Stephen Wise spoke of . Another botched attempt to kick- start the. Martin Glynn's claims of . On November 2. 5, 1.

Chaim Weizmann told of. Specifically, the six stems from the sixth letter.

Six is the number of man in the. Jewish tradition, since vav is said to be a picture of man. Man was. supposedly created on the sixth day, works for six days of the week, and the.

Six billion deaths would be. Hence, six million was. The few who had been duped by the pre- WWII scams did provide some cash.

Control of their own state - . Their spying skills, and ability to.

Hence, the Zionist. Mafia were then able to bribe, blackmail and terrorise other states. Israel's private mercenaries or.

The pretexts would range from truly asinine claims. These criminals planned to use the . Wise was a Secretary of the Zionist. Organization of America, and.

President of the American Jewish Congress. He was a pivotal figure in. Second Zionist Congress at Basel in 1. He was also trying to prepare the. New York Times of April 1. His maternal grandfather. Mor(ic) Fischer. had been a founder of the Herend Porcelain Company in 1.

Hungarian nobility by Francis Joseph I. Aaron Wise emigrated in 1. Stephen's. birth, with his wife and children following him in 1. In 1. 89. 6. Adolph Ochs (born to. German- Jewish immigrants) bought The New York Times. Ochs had married Effie. Wise, the daughter of another Rabbi (Isaac Mayer) Wise in 1.