Fallout 3 Terminal Hacking Locations Of Chase


Temple of Heaven. Beijing, China. By Kenny Wu.

Following In His Footsteps - Fallout 3 Wiki Guide. Investigate the nearby town of Megaton for information about Dad. Speak to Colin Moriarty about Dad. Find Galaxy News Radio. Ask Three Dog about Dad. Frag Grenade (x. 3)Jet. Psycho. Nuka- Cola (x.

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Armored Vault 1. 01 Suit. Bobby Pin (x. 3)1. Pistol (x. 2)Chinese Officer's Sword.

Fallout 3 Terminal Hacking Locations Of Chase
  1. Vault 101 is one of the vault series of fallout shelters developed by Vault-Tec in the northwest.
  2. Fallout 4 Power Armor locations screenshot guide shows you where to find these metallic suits of armor, their stats and how to use them.

Grognak the Barbarian. Chinese Pistol. Bottle Cap (x. Rounds (x. 15)Shotgun Shells (x. Rounds (x. 11)Metro Utility Key. Rad- XRad. Away (x. Stimpak (x. 4)Nikola Tesla and You. Laser Pistol. Energy Cell (x.

DCTA Laser Firearm Protocol. Purified Water. Laser Rifle.

Microfusion Cell (x. Lying Congressional Style. Bobby Pins. 5mm Rounds (x. Frag Grenade (x. 9)Spiked Knuckles.

Caliber Rounds (x. Magnum Rounds (x. Frag Mines (x. 4)Microfusion Cells (x. Missile. Scoped .

Magnum. Stealth Boy. Well, now we're outside. It might be dark out, or it might be daytime. It's all going to depend on the day- night cycle that is at the heart of traveling around Washington D.

C. Your primary quest is going to have you heading towards Megaton, one of the main surviving areas of the former capital. But this being a sandbox game, you can walk all over the place, as far the eye can see in any direction. Of course, you won't survive very long (at all) if you decide to do that, but there's still a few places you can check out before you go to Megaton. We'll cover these briefly below, but any side quests you run into and need help with as you go (which may be more than we mention here), refer to the Side Quests section of this guide. Practically adjacent to Vault 1. Springvale. This place is worth visiting briefly just to add it to your map so you can travel there hereafter instantaneously.

From Vault 1. 01, go down the sharp hills ahead with your back facing Vault 1. You should run headlong into Springvale, and you may even be lucky enough to find some items. We acquired three Frag Grenades, Jet and Psycho by examining an old blue USPS mailbox, as well as two Nuka- Colas from an abandoned, nearly- wrecked Nuka- Cola machine. You should be able to find these items, and perhaps even more, with a thorough inspection of Springvale.

If you begin to travel outward from there (due west on your Pip- Boy map, though that' s not necessarily true west), you will likely run into another settlement called Grayditch. However, the situation in Grayditch isn't good. It's covered with fierce Fire Ants. You can probably take these enemies on level two or three, especially the weaker worker ants, but you'll want to dodge them and their fierce fire attacks as best you can as you proceed through the town. If you do visit Grayditch, be sure to run into and speak at length with a young boy named Bryan Wilks.

He'll tell you about the devastation wreaked upon Grayditch by the mutated ants and will beg for your help (he's been all but abandoned, since all of his friends and family have succumbed to these ants). Get more information on this side quest (entitled . There's more of interest apart from actually visiting the two aforementioned locations.

Extraneous things add to the post- apocalyptic nature of Fallout 3. Try tuning your radio (using your Pip- Boy) to one of the radio stations you currently have. Galaxy News Radio will likely not have anything for you right now, but you can listen to Enclave Radio transmitting from nearby. Patriotic music aplenty plays on this station, but even more creepy is the fact that the DJ is none other than the . I'm sure we'll get to the bottom of just who he is eventually. Okay, back to the main quest.

Are you ready to head to Megaton? Megaton is actually located quite near Vault 1. Springvale (if you travelled to Grayditch, you've gone too far, but that's okay, you've added that location to your map). If you take a look at your Pip- Boy map, Megaton will be to the south and slightly to the east of Springvale. It's a pretty obvious settlement, well- organized compared to the rest of the Wasteland you've thusfar seen, so it shouldn't be hard to miss. Fight any Mole Rats or Bloatflies you encounter en route to your destination (search their bodies to get their mildly- curative body meat), and talk to everyone you encounter to spur, perhaps, some side quests or friendships.

Just don't open fire willy- nilly. Whether you're playing as good or evil, you're not strong enough right now to make enemies. After arriving at Megaton's front gate, you'll be able to enter the town (as long as it's daytime).

Once you enter, you'll almost immediately be intercepted by the sheriff of Megaton, a character named Lucas Sims. He quickly lays down the law with you (you can answer him how you like - - we opted to be nice to the man), but then you can pick his brain about all sorts of subjects. You can find out about many of Megaton's points of interest, as well as about the large undetonated nuclear device in the middle of the settlement, which will unlock a side quest entitled . Otherwise, glean as much information as possible from Sheriff Sims before letting him go. He'll tell you that your father likely came through Megaton, but is no longer around. Perhaps Colin Moriarty at the settlement's pub has more information?

Let's go check it out. Heading to Moriarty's pub will allow you to advance the main quest, but if you want to do some exploration, we're going to guide you through that as well. There are a lot of characters in Megaton (excuse the pun), and talking to them will allow you to unlock side quests, make friends, and find plenty of items that you can sell for a tidy profit.

All of these things are important, so read on to find out who to talk to. Please keep some things in mind as you go, however. First of all, all of the events discussed below happened during the daytime. If you attempt them at night, chances are the outcome won't be the same. Secondly, whether you're playing as a good guy or a bad guy, holster your weapon. Don't start with people, don't try to kill anyone, and don't steal from any occupied buildings.

If you do, you're going to be overwhelmed, and you wouldn't want that. Okay, ready? Start by visiting the water processing plant and talking to Walter within. He will speak at length to you about his job at the plant, and how he hasn't failed in thirty- five years in keeping the facility working. There's an issue, however - - he can't keep it going forever. He'll mention that his job is being heavily complicated by the fact that there are three holes in the pipes that feed water throughout Megaton, and he asks you to fix them. This isn't an official side quest (at least, not yet), so we'll come back to this later. Be sure that you drink from the water fountain in the plant before leaving, as you can heal yourself with the water if need be.

Next, you'll want to head to Craterside Supply and speak to Moira Brown. This merchant will take all of the goods off of your hands that you took from Vault 1. Be sure to unload your unwanted goods, repair what you do have, and buy anything new you may want. If you're nice to her, she'll also give you an epic side quest called . This is a lengthy and involved side quest, so we won't go into it here.

Refer to the Side Quests section of the guide (of course) for more. You will come across a house owned by a man called Jericho, and he should be out and about (in fact, you'll likely run into him if you walk around Megaton enough, and you can bribe him for information on your dad if you desire). Pick the lock to enter his house and look around. There are a lot of common goods in here, like Bent Tin Cans, a load of Empty Whiskey Bottles and more.

The goods of interest you should be sure to leave his house with, however, are three Bobby Pins, some Whiskey and Wine (a little 3. Milk Bottles, a 1. Pistol, Crognak the Barbarian, and most importantly, a Chinese Officer's Sword. Remember, stealing this stuff will result in a minor karma loss. But if Jericho happens to be around, don't steal his stuff at all!

He'll house you really quickly if you do.