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Strawman Has a Point - TV Tropes. Note: The guy in the black uniform is supposed to be in the wrong here. A Straw Character exists in a work to represent a caricature of a position which the author wants to tear apart. Authors use these Strawmen because they have a position of their own to defend, and they want to make it clear who is right (namely the characters who agree with the author's opinion) and who is wrong. Yet sometimes — possibly at the time, possibly after some thought — the audience realizes that the Strawman made the better argument, even though his position was the . The presence of this trope generally indicates bad writing (a good writer could make his case without needing a Strawman to demolish). Occasionally the Strawman's argument was as weak as intended in its native context, but Creator Provincialism or Values Dissonance cause different audiences to see its merits.

To purposefully use it, the writer would either have to be criticizing some other work or use a Show Within a Show format. If there's any awareness of this from the writers (and one might suspect subconscious awareness), expect a lot of unrelated Kick the Dog moments from the villains. Alternatively, the author may attempt to work around this trope by revealing that the villain may have been using a valid argument, but only as a cover to let them do whatever they want. Or maybe they really do believe what they argue, but they think this gives them license to whatever . This is also not a scenario where two people have a disagreement and both have valid points.

A Strawman is, by definition, an overly simplified position that is so flimsy it can be easily toppled. If everyone is partially correct, no side is a true straw man — they're still not this trope. Adobe Acrobat X Pro Cracked more.

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The Invincible Hero trope as used in popular culture. It's a general rule of fiction. Sometimes, though, you want the hero to lose a few battles. De meeste enkelvoudige koolhydraten zijn slecht voor je. Hieronder volgt een lijst met producten die je beter niet kunt eten als je wilt.

Above all, remember that a strawman argument isn't inherently wrong, only poorly stated, as per the Fallacy Fallacy. Compare and contrast Misaimed Fandom, which results when the characters opposing the author's view are wrong but the fandom misinterprets the story as saying they were right, and Both Sides Have a Point, where both sides are treated as having legitimate arguments. See also: The Extremist Was Right, Informed Wrongness, No Mere Windmill, Alternative Character Interpretation, Do Not Do This Cool Thing, Broken Aesop. Problem is, Kyoko pre Heel.

On top of that her switching sides is motivated not by the realization that what she's doing is wrong, but from fear of Big Bad. Creed, and a crush on Train. End result, Baldor comes off looking far more reasonable than he ever should when he recommends they just kill her. Happens again when one of the heroes tells him that just murdering your enemies is wrong. Cue one of the enemies she'd just spared blowing himself up to try and kill her.

Baldor's maniacal laughter ends up being less Kick the Dog, and more . The argument is that there is no point making civilians fight the battles when they're supposed to be the ones being protected, and that humans shouldn't try to reach for more than they have. Never mind that natural Pandoras are getting killed off faster than they can be born and that the current system is plenty cruel enough in that if you're born with the potential to become a Pandora, you have no other choice but to be one.

Giving one a choice would be a huge benefit. Aoi Gendo, Oohara's main opposition, is okay with the Limiter system, which sends plenty of willing, once- civilian boys into the battlefield. Scarlett's point is then undermined since the E- Pandora project was never really meant to succeed in the first place.

It was merely a publicity stunt to buy time for the Type Maria project. The girls who suffered and died because of the E- Pandora project did so for nothing.

After Naruto managed to defeat him, Neji believes that Naruto is right and destiny can be changed meaning he does not need to be a Hyuuga branch. However, later Naruto is revealed to not only the son of the fourth Hokage and a Jinchuriki, he also inherited the will of fire by Hashirama, the reincarnation of the sage's younger brother and is the child of destiny that is prophecised by the toad elder.

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Coupled with the Uchiha's curse of love and power, it means that Neji is by all means right. However, the elders' decision was not entirely unreasonable, as the target of the attack was known to be Naruto himself, and there was no guarantee at the time that Naruto could fight, let alone defeat, Pain (a villain who had already killed Naruto's master, Jiraiya); the Elders even point out to Tsunade that it's tremendously risky, and even irresponsible, to summon Naruto back, and that if she is wrong and Naruto is defeated, the consequences could be disastrous for the world.

They were almost proven right when Pain managed to catch and restrain Naruto, who was saved only by a timely intervention by Hinata. However, the elders' decision also resulted in the destruction of Konoha, and if Naruto showed up earlier, he might have had support from the village. Either way, Naruto still beats Pain. The anime portrayed the decision as influenced by Danzo, adding more fuel to the discussion of Danzo's motives. Interestingly, in later arcs the Kages make the same conclusion of hiding both Naruto and Killer Bee to keep them safe during the war, with only Tsunade and the Tsuchikage objecting to it, and it's Gaara who shoots down Tsunade's argument of putting Naruto on the front lines. The manga tries to make it so that the Raikage's desire for revenge is clouding his personal judgment to the point where he's willing to start a Cycle of Revenge, but the fact remains that A) Sasuke is still at large, working for a terrorist organization, B) Raikage's brother and other such targets hold the equivalent of a WMD, C) Raikage isn't the only person who wants Sasuke's head. Given that by this point Sasuke has repeatedly betrayed his friends, his village, his entire nation, and at the latest turn of events the entire social order of the continent, has openly announced his intention to murder everything that is good or just and take over the world as its new demon- powered overlord, and never had anything in common with or shown the slightest bit of affection or encouragement to Sakura in their entire lives, it makes absolutely no sense that she is still in love with him, and Sasuke is being entirely on- point to stop and lampshade that.

For comparison, Naruto is his best friend and that is because they share childhoods of loneliness and time as rivals pushing each other to be stronger along with having some combat synergy to bond in battle. Sakura is completely unable to argue when he points out that the only reason she likes him was because they were on the same team for a little while over three years ago (and she only liked him because he was attractive). It really interrupts the whole rhythm of a scene intended to show a megalomaniac's utter alienation from normal human emotion when you have to stop and go . In other words, Kakashi and by extension, the Konoha villagers code may be seen as right all along when it comes to following ninja rules.

Neon Genesis Evangelion has the representative dismissing NERV. He criticises their use of manned Evas that put a huge emotional strain on their pilots and generally rely too heavily on fallible humans, can’t be controlled when they go berserk (.

Even worse, he makes the . It can be argued just how much of a point he actually has though, considering other events in the series. Sounds like they were pretty afraid that his arguments would have left NERV out in the cold at the next budget meeting had their test proven successful. Jet Alone was admittedly a dead- end project (It lacks an AT- Field so it has next to no defensive capabilities against Angel attacks) but the notion that they had to go out of their way to sabotage the test shows how strained faith in NERV is in universe. At the end he eventually learns a .

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