Install Print Server On Ubuntu Live Cd


Chromium OS Developer Guide - The Chromium Projects. Prerequisites. You must have Linux to develop Chromium OS. It is possible that things will work if you're running a different Linux distribution, but you will probably find life easier if you're on this one. NOTE: Do not run any of the commands listed in this document as root – the commands themselves will run sudo to get root access when needed.

Tech and Science topics: phones, computers, gadgets, and the Internet, astronomy & earth science, climate & weather, environment & green living and much more. Technology keeps you connected everywhere you go, helps you capture every moment & makes your life a bit easier; stay up-to-date with tips & tricks from eHow. There's so much you can do with an Ubuntu installation. But what if you could take that same Ubuntu installation and make it portable so you can have it with you.

Seeing an error like error: ld terminated with signal 9 . If you are not building your own copy of Chrome, the RAM requirements will be substantially lower. On Ubuntu, the magic incantation to do this is: sudo apt- get install git- core gitk git- gui curl. This command also installs git's graphical front end (git gui) and revision history browser (gitk).

Install depot. This step is required so that you can use the repo command to get/sync the source code. Configure git. Setup git now. If you don't do this, you may run into errors/issues later. Remember a @chromium. Double- check that you are running a 6. Run the following command: You should see the result: x.

Install Print Server On Ubuntu Live Cd

The program that lets us manipulate Windows passwords is called chntpw. The steps to install it are different in 32-bit and 64-bit versions of Ubuntu. I’m posting here a running (base) version of ubuntu 12.10 armhf (V1), kernel 3.0.42+. Quick, Working and not so Dirty EDITION. Easy to install on the NAND and ready. History and development process. Ubuntu is built on Debian's architecture and infrastructure, and comprises Linux server, desktop and discontinued phone and tablet. How to Create an Ubuntu Live Cd. Are you looking to install Ubuntu? Firstly, you'll have to create the CD which won't be difficult at all! Click on this link to. Edit Article wiki How to Install Ubuntu Linux. Two Methods: CD/DVD Installation Windows Installer Community Q&A. Ubuntu is one of the most popular forms of the Linux.

Verify that your default file permissions (umask) setting is correct. Sources need to be world- readable to properly function inside the chroot (described later). For that reason, the last digit of your umask should not be higher than 2, eg. Many distros have this by default, Ubuntu, for instance, does not. It is essential to put the following line into your ~/. You can verify that this works by creating any file and checking if its permissions are correct.- rw- r- -r- - 1 user group 0 2. Get the Source. Decide where your source will live.

Chromium OS developers commonly put their source code in $. If you feel strongly, put your own source elsewhere, but note that all commands in this document assume that your source code is in$. Not only is it a bad idea to build directly from NFS for performance reasons, but builds won't actually work (builds use sudo, and root doesn't have access to your NFS mount, unless your NFS server has the no.

Wherever you place your source, you can still add a symbolic link to it from your home directory (this is suggested), like so: mkdir - p /usr/local/path/to/source/chromiumosln - s /usr/local/path/to/source/chromiumos $. You already installed repo when you installed depot. This starts you out with a minimum amount of source code. This isn't a particularly well tested configuration and has been known to break from time- to- time, so we usually recommend against it.)# Note: Add the . For the initial sync, it's generally requested that you use no# more than 8 concurrent jobs.

This command runs quickly. The repo sync command takes a lot longer. More info can be found in the working on a branch page. Building Chromium OSCreate a chroot. To make sure everyone uses the same exact environment and tools to build Chromium OS, all building is done inside a chroot.

Assuming you're already in $. If you prefer to rather build it from source, or have trouble accessing the servers, use cros. Note that this will also enter the chroot. If you prefer to build only, use - -download. The command with - -bootstrap takes about half an hour to run on a four core machine. It compiles quite a bit of software, which it installs into your chroot, and downloads some additional items (around 3. MB). While it is building you will see a regular update of the number of packages left to build.

Once the command finishes, the chroot will take up total disk space of a little over 3. GB. The chroot lives by default at $. Inside that directory you will find system directories like /usr/bin and /etc. These are local to the chroot and are separate from the system directories on your machine. For example, the chroot has its own version of the ls utility.

It will be very similar, but it is actually a different binary than the normal one you use on your machine. SIDE NOTES: You shouldn't have to create the chroot very often.

Most developers create it once and never touch it again unless someone explicitly sends out an email telling them to recreate their chroot. The cros. You can enter the chroot by calling: This is the same command used to create the chroot, but if the chroot already exists, it will just enter. NOTE: if you want to run a single command in the chroot (rather than entering the chroot), prefix that command with cros. Once the command finishes, that terminal is in the chroot and you'll be in the ~/trunk/src/scripts directory, where most build commands live. In the chroot you can only see a subset of the filesystem on your machine. However, through some trickery (bind mounts), you will have access to the whole src directory from within the chroot – this is so that you can build the software within the chroot.

Note in particular that the src/scripts directory is the same src/scripts directory found within the Chromium OS directory you were in before you entered the chroot, even though it looks like a different location. That's because when you enter the chroot, the ~/trunk directory in the chroot is mounted such that it points to the main Chromium OS directory $. That means that changes that you make to the source code outside of the chroot immediately take effect inside the chroot.

Calling this will also install a chroot, if you don't have one yet, for example by not following the above. While in the chroot you will see a special . For example, if you are using eclipse as an IDE, or gedit to edit a text file, you will need to run those programs outside the chroot.

As a consolation, you can use vim. If you are desperate for emacs, try typing sudo emerge emacs. Of course this command will build emacs from source so allow 5- 1. IMPORTANT NOTES: In this document, commands that are intended to be entered inside the chroot, and paths inside the chroot, are colored purple. If you need to delete your chroot, use cros.

Using rm - rf could end up deleting your source tree due to the active bind mounts. SIDE NOTES. If you need to share lots of files inside and outside chroot (for example, settings for your favorite editor / tools, or files downloaded by browser outside chroot, etc.), read Tips and Tricks. There is a file system loop because inside ~/trunk you will find the chroot again.

Don't think about this for too long. If you try to use du - s $. This is nothing to. For example, if your computer has an ARM processor, you'll want to make sure that all executables in the image are compiled for the ARM instruction set. Similarly, if your computer has special hardware, you'll want to include a matching set of device drivers. Don't worry too much about this choice – you can always build for another board later. Autotune For Adobe Audition Cs6 Free Download.

If you want a list of known boards, you can look in ~/trunk/src/overlays. Each command in the build processes takes a - -board parameter. This is not strictly necessary, but if you do this, you can simply copy and paste the commands below into your terminal program. Enter the following inside your chroot (note: change amd.

BOARD=amd. 64- generic. This setting only holds while you stay in the chroot. If you leave and come back, you need to do specify this setting again. SIDE NOTES: If you look at ~/trunk/src/overlays, you may notice two different naming patterns: overlay- BOARD and overlay- variant- BOARD- VARIANT (note the dash here). If you intend to build for particular board variant, you'll want to use BOARD. The command downloads a small amount of stuff and takes a few minutes to complete.

SIDE NOTES: If you pass the - -default flag to setup. This makes it so that you don't need to specify a - -board argument to subsequent commands. These instructions do not use the - -default flag so that you can explicitly see what commands are board- specific. If you have previously set up this board, the setup. If you really want to clobber your old board files and start fresh, try passing the - -force flag, which deletes the old /build/$.

SIDE NOTES: The encrypted password is stored inside chroot. That means thatif you recreate your chroot, you have to run this command again.

Change or Reset Windows Password from a Ubuntu Live CDIf you can’t log in even after trying your twelve passwords, or you’ve inherited a computer complete with password- protected profiles, worry not – you don’t have to do a fresh install of Windows. We’ll show you how to change or reset your Windows password from a Ubuntu Live CD. This method works for all of the NT- based version of Windows – anything from Windows 2. And yes, that includes Windows 7. Note: If you have files on your hard disk encrypted using built- in Windows encryption, they may not be available after changing the Windows password using this method. Exercise caution if you have important encrypted files.

You’ll need a Ubuntu 9. Live CD, or a bootable Ubuntu 9. Flash Drive. If you don’t have one, or have forgotten how to boot from the flash drive, check out our article on creating a bootable Ubuntu 9. The program that lets us manipulate Windows passwords is called chntpw. The steps to install it are different in 3. Ubuntu. Installation: 3. Open up Synaptic Package Manager by clicking on System at the top of the screen, expanding the Administration section, and clicking on Synaptic Package Manager.

Repositories are a way for Ubuntu to group software together so that users are able to choose if they want to use only completely open source software maintained by Ubuntu developers, or branch out and use software with different licenses and maintainers. To enable software from the universe repository, click on Settings > Repositories in the Synaptic window. Fear 2 Update 1 05 Skidrow Reloaded more. Add a checkmark beside the box labeled “Community- maintained Open Source software (universe)” and then click close. When you change the repositories you are selecting software from, you have to reload the list of available software.

In the main Synaptic window, click on the Reload button. The software lists will be downloaded. Once downloaded, Synaptic must rebuild its search index. The label over the text field by the Search button will read “Rebuilding search index.” When it reads “Quick search,” type chntpw in the text field. The package will show up in the list. Click on the checkbox near the chntpw name.

Click on Mark for Installation. Apply button in the Synaptic window now. You will be prompted to accept the changes. Click Apply. The changes should be applied quickly.

When they’re done, click Close. You can close Synaptic Package Manager. Skip to the section titled Using chntpw to reset your password. Installation: 6. 4- bit. The version of chntpw available in Ubuntu’s universe repository will not work properly on a 6. Fortunately, a patched version exists in Debian’s Unstable branch, so let’s download it from there and install it manually.

Open Firefox. Whether it’s your preferred browser or not, it’s very readily accessible in the Ubuntu Live CD environment, so it will be the easiest to use. There’s a shortcut to Firefox in the top panel. Navigate to http: //packages. Note: In most cases it would be best to add the Debian Unstable branch to a package manager, but since the Live CD environment will revert to its original state once you reboot, it’ll be faster to just download the . Save the . deb file to the default location. You can close Firefox if desired.

Open a terminal window by clicking on Applications at the top- left of the screen, expanding the Accessories folder, and clicking on Terminal. In the terminal window, enter the following text, hitting enter after each line: cd Downloadssudo dpkg –i chntpw*chntpw will now be installed.

Using chntpw to reset your password. Before running chntpw, you will have to mount the hard drive that contains your Windows installation.

In most cases, Ubuntu 9. Click on Places at the top- left of the screen. If your Windows drive is easily identifiable – usually by its size – then left click on it. If it is not obvious, then click on Computer and check out each hard drive until you find the correct one. The correct hard drive will have the WINDOWS folder in it.

When you find it, make a note of the drive’s label that appears in the menu bar of the file browser. If you don’t already have one open, start a terminal window by going to Applications > Accessories > Terminal. In the terminal window, enter the commandscd /medialspressing enter after each line. You should see one or more strings of text appear; one of those strings should correspond with the string that appeared in the title bar of the file browser earlier. Change to that directory by entering the commandcd < hard drive label> Since the hard drive label will be very annoying to type in, you can use a shortcut by typing in the first few letters or numbers of the drive label (capitalization matters) and pressing the Tab key. It will automatically complete the rest of the string (if those first few letters or numbers are unique).

We want to switch to a certain Windows directory. Enter the command: cd WINDOWS/system. Again, you can use tab- completion to speed up entering this command.

To change or reset the administrator password, enter: sudo chntpw SAMSAM is the file that contains your Windows registry. You will see some text appear, including a list of all of the users on your system. At the bottom of the terminal window, you should see a prompt that begins with “User Edit Menu: ” and offers four choices.

We recommend that you clear the password to blank (you can always set a new password in Windows once you log in). To do this, enter “1” and then “y” to confirm. If you would like to change the password instead, enter “2”, then your desired password, and finally “y” to confirm. If you would like to reset or change the password of a user other than the administrator, enter: sudo chntpw –u < username> SAMFrom here, you can follow the same steps as before: enter “1” to reset the password to blank, or “2” to change it to a value you provide. And that’s it! Conclusionchntpw is a very useful utility provided for free by the open source community. It may make you think twice about how secure the Windows login system is, but knowing how to use chntpw can save your tail if your memory fails you two or eight times!