The Site Recovery Manager 6. You obtain the patch releases from the Site Recovery Manager Downloads page at http: //www. The Site Recovery Manager 6. Express Patch Release resolves the following issue: When upgrading from Site Recovery Manager 5. Site Recovery Manager 6. VMware v. Center Site Recovery Manager service failed to start.
Check that all required Windows services are running. View the server log for more information. Alternatively, the upgrade might succeed but then the Site Recovery Manager Server on both sites stops unexpectedly soon after the upgrade. The error Panic: VERIFY d: \build\ob\bora- 2.
Mo. Ref. h: 4. 98 appears in the Site Recovery Manager Server logs. This issue occurs if you had protected virtual machines in the following fashion in your Site Recovery Manager 5. Hot Cracking Phenomena In Welds Download Movies there. The devices that are affected by this issue include ISO images, floppy images, hard disks, and RDMs. The Site Recovery Manager 6. KB 2. 11. 10. 69.
If you are running Site Recovery Manager 6. Site Recovery Manager 6. See Uprading Site Recovery Manager in Site Recovery Manager 6. Installation and Configuration for instructions about upgrading Site Recovery Manager. If you have already upgraded from Site Recovery Manager 5. Site Recovery Manager 6.
VMware Support. If you use v. Sphere Replication with Site Recovery Manager 6. Sphere Replication appliance to version 6. See the v. Sphere Replication 6. Release Notes for information about v. Sphere Replication 6.
The following known issues have been discovered through rigorous testing and will help you understand some behavior you might encounter in this release. NEW IP Customization and Callout fails when SRM 6. VMTools 1. 0. 1. x. When Site Recovery Manager is running IP customization and Callouts on recovered virtual machines with installed VMTools 1. When the protected site is offline, newly created recovery plans only appear in the Inventory Trees view. If the protected site is offline and you create a new recovery plan from the recovery site, the new plan does not appear in the Inventories > Recovery Plans view in the Site Recovery Manager interface. The new plan is visible in the Inventory Trees > Recovery Plans view.
Workaround: None Site Recovery Manager messages in the v. Sphere Web Client are malformed and not localized. If you have installed v. Center Server 6. 0 with non- default ports, and you install Site Recovery Manager 6. Site Recovery Manager 5. Site Recovery Manager 6. Site Recovery Manager messages in the v.
Sphere Web Client are malformed and are not localized correctly. Workaround: Log into the v. Center Server host machine. In a text editor, open the SRM.
Virtual machine recovery properties wizard displays an error when dependent virtual machines are not present in a recovery plan. If you have configured dependencies between virtual machines, and a dependent virtual machine is in a protection group that is not included in the same recovery plan, when you open the virtual machine recovery properties wizard for the virtual machine with the dependency, the wizard displays the error com. Marshall. Exception: Invalid value for field . For example, this situation can occur in the following circumstances: VM- 1 is in protection group PG- 1, which is included in recovery plan RP- 1. VM- 2 is in protection group PG- 2, which is not included in recovery plan RP- 1. VM- 1 has a dependency on VM- 2.
You attempt to edit the recovery properties of VM- 1. This error only affects the recovery properties wizard, and does not affect recovery itself because Site Recovery Manager skips invalid dependencies during recovery. Workaround: Add the protection group that contains the virtual machine that another virtual machine depends upon to the recovery plan that contains the dependent virtual machine. The recovery properties wizard functions correctly when both protection groups are in the same recovery plan.
If you do not want the two protection groups to be in the same recovery plan, you must remove the dependency. You can temporarily move the protection group into the same recovery plan so that you can remove the dependency: Add the protection groups that contain virtual machines that other virtual machines depend on to the same recovery plan as the dependent virtual machines. For example, add PG- 2 to RP- 1.
Edit the recovery properties of the dependent virtual machines to remove the dependencies. For example, edit VM- 1 to remove the dependency on VM- 2.
Remove the protection groups that contain the virtual machines that other virtual machines previously depended on from the recovery plan. For example, remove PG- 2 from RP- 1. Sphere Replication operations fail when there is heavy replication traffic. If you recover virtual machines that you protect by using v. Sphere Replication, reprotect might fail with the error Unable to reverse replication and other operations might fail with java.
Unknown. Host. Exception. These errors occur because DNS requests get dropped due to network congestion. Workaround: See the v. Sphere Replication 6. Release Notes. Cannot add or edit array managers when multiple Site Recovery Manager pairs exist and the Site Recovery Manager user account does not have privileges for all Site Recovery Manager instances on a site.
If you have multiple Site Recovery Manager pairs, each of which is accessed by a different user account, and if user accounts do not have privileges for all Site Recovery Manager instances on a site, none of the users can add or edit array managers on any of the pairs.