Open Source License Management Case


This website contains information from the former management team of Autonomy plc. Today we acknowledge receipt of HP’s civil claim against the former management of Autonomy. As readers will see from our comments below, we utterly refute the allegations made against us. HP has waged a three- year smear campaign riddled with half- truths and obfuscation. They have intentionally made the claims as complex and convoluted as possible. This is why, in the interests of transparency, we have posted a series of updates to this blog today so that everyone can see the allegations for themselves and fully understand our position.

There are three separate sections, which we set out below, as well as a downloadable PDF version of the letter from our lawyers Clifford Chance. Adobe Premiere Pro Could Not Find Any Capable Video Play Modules Mac on this page. Lawyer’s letter containing preliminary detailed response to HP allegation. Our summary of the main allegations being levelled by HP3. A reaction from Mike Lynch to this latest development in HP’s ongoing campaign against us.

OpenCms from Alkacon Software, the open source content management system (CMS) based on Java and XML for public internet website, extranet or intranet. This website contains information from the former management team of Autonomy plc.

Downloadable PDF of lawyer’s letter (item 1 above)The links above will take you directly to each specific post, or you can get to them by scrolling down the page.*************In re Hewlett- Packard Company Shareholder Derivative Litigation. Dear Mr. Wolinsky: As you know, we, along with Steptoe & Johnson, represent Dr. Michael Lynch. Lynch looks forward to unmasking the falsity and hypocrisy of these allegations in the courts of England (where, if at all, the matter belongs), in the interest of full disclosure, we request that, once the Particulars are unsealed, you amend your filing in California to include this letter, which sets forth below Dr. Lynch’s preliminary responses to the Particulars.

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Lynch, who is not an accountant, had little involvement in sales and in making the corresponding accounting decisions related thereto. Accordingly, it should not be surprising that there is not one shred of actual evidence establishing any pre- acquisition misconduct by anyone at Autonomy, let alone evidence of fraud. Lynch was dismissed from the only active lawsuit in the United States that named him as a defendant. Nor can HP’s far- fetched fraud accusations be reconciled with the fact that almost every senior member of Autonomy’s management eagerly stayed on at HP Autonomy after the acquisition.

Apotheker and replaced him with Ms. Robison left HP the following month.

Lynch provided Ms. Whitman with a presentation in May 2.

Ms. Whitman’s failure to control the infighting and dysfunction at HP. Lynch was fired. Faced with a crisis of its own making, HP chose to write down the value of Autonomy and to make unsubstantiated allegations of accounting irregularities against Autonomy’s former management.

Hussain, and Autonomy’s former management. Lynch was not a member of the Audit Committee, did not attend Audit Committee meetings, and was not responsible for accounting decisions. Notably, revenue recognition was identified as a key focus in Deloitte’s reports to the Audit Committee and, in each case, the Audit Committee approved Autonomy’s financial statements and Deloitte issued unqualified audit opinions. Nonetheless, HP appears to contend, in paragraph 1. Ipswitch Ws Ftp Professional 2006 here. Particulars, that the location of Dr. Lynch’s and Mr. Hussain’s desks somehow demonstrates a shared awareness of, and responsibility for, all the transactions at issue and their related accounting. Lynch and Mr. Hussain relied on Autonomy’s extremely experienced auditors and Audit Committee, professional sales force, technical team, finance team, and attorneys.

Lynch and Mr. Hussain had separate offices, with the exception of one Autonomy location that utilized an open- plan office—far from the den of conspiracy implied by HP. B. Hussain, disclosed: “Close management of sales pipelines on a quarterly basis to improve visibility in results expectations”; “Annual and quarterly target setting to enable results achievement”; “Close monitoring by management of revenue and cost forecasts”; “Adjustment to expenditures in the event of anticipated revenue shortfalls”; and“Close monitoring of reseller sales cycles.”. Unable to sustain its initial public claims of ignorance in the face of hard evidence to the contrary, HP then made a new allegation:  that although it was aware of the fact and quantity of Autonomy’s hardware sales, it did not know what type of hardware Autonomy sold.

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Hussain misrepresented to the Audit Committee in Q3 2. Autonomy and EMC were engaged in a “highly targeted joint marketing program” and that Autonomy had “spent US$2. EMC” when, in reality,  neither the joint marketing program nor the shared marketing expenditure existed. Hussain was accurately describing movement in quarterly operating costs: “There were 2 large movements. Hussain misrepresented to the Audit Committee in Q2 and Q3 2. COGS when, in fact, a portion of those costs had been charged to sales and marketing expenses. Hussain’s actual statement, however, was critically different from HP’s portrayal:  “We have charged the cost of the lower margin sales to the cost of sales line even though we had agreed with our suppliers that the .

We have reviewed management’s analysis of the linkage between the loss making strategic hardware sales and subsequent profit making software sales and accept the decision of management to allocate the loss of $3. Lynch; and(c)     Autonomy’s hardware sales were incidental and made primarily to drive the core software business. As a result, Autonomy had no obligation to separately disclose its hardware sales under this guidance. Lynch had little involvement in negotiating reseller deals or determining the related accounting. Lynch was generally aware of the benefits of reseller deals and the importance of developing a reseller ecosystem.

In common with most software companies, including HP, Autonomy sought to develop and strengthen its reseller ecosystem, and thus often sold through reseller partners. In partnering with these resellers, Autonomy gained access to markets it had not already penetrated. Contrary to paragraph 1. Particulars, the fact that Autonomy partnered with resellers was transparent and any decline in Autonomy’s use of resellers after the acquisition was primarily due to HP’s desire to funnel business to its own services arm, HP Enterprise Services. B. Hussain presented the deal to Autonomy’s board for approval.

HP then wrote off the remaining $2. Vatican were still ongoing at the time. We held discussions with Sushovan Hussain and Dr Pete Menell who explained that at present Autonomy struggle. Prior to the VMS transaction, Moreover Technologies Inc. If significant post- delivery obligations exist or if a sale is subject to customer acceptance, revenues are deferred until no significant obligations remain or acceptance has occurred.* * *Product revenues from the hosted business are separated, using the residual method, into capture and archiving. Lynch was not involved in the classification of revenue and acted in good faith in relying on others to determine the correct classification, Dr. Lynch always understood—and believes today—that the classification was appropriate.

Whitman as “almost magical,”. Lynch followed good corporate procedure and promptly referred the matter to the head of the Audit Committee and the non- executive Chairman of the Board. Lynch’s involvement in the investigation was in response to the Audit Committee’s requests for information. HP fails to explain how any of these deals were fraudulent because it cannot. Morvillo. Clifford Chance US LLPReid H. Weingarten. Michelle L.

Levin. Steptoe & Johnson LLPAttorneys for Dr. Michael Lynch. Lynch and his counsel access to the documents underlying the most basic allegations in the Particulars makes it impossible for Dr. Lynch to fully respond at this time. Lynch reserves the right to amend or expand his responses contained herein in connection with his formal response to the Particulars in the UK Action, which will be provided once the full record of relevant documents is produced and Dr.