Power Acoustik 200 Watt Amplifier Manual Pdf


Get all the cables, wires, and hardware you need to install your new car audio amplifier with one of these power amp kits. Amplifier wiring kits come with your basic. Car stereo wiring diagrams for, factory stereos, aftermarket stereos, security systems, factory car audio amplifiers, and more.

Basic Amplifier Repair. Amp Going Into Protect Mode? If you know that the amp is at fault and you want to try to repair it yourself, continue reading here. If you have no interest in repairing your own amp, you should look for a local repair shop before shipping the amp to be repaired. For most amps, the round- trip for shipping alone will be approximately $6. For large amps, the shipping can be well over $1.

Tacotunes.com provides plug and play audio upgrades for your Toyota. DIYers will love our turnkey products and installation steps to help them along. Sound Amplifiers price list compares the lowest price, specifications, expert reviews of Sound Amplifiers which help you buy the products for best price from online.

Best Buy has low prices and free shipping on car amplifiers and amp up your car stereo system.

If you don't know any local repair shop or you don't know which repair shop is reliable, call all of the local car audio shops in the area and ask them who they'd recommend to have an amp repaired. If you find that most shops send their work to one particular repair shop, that shop likely does quality work. If I have them I'll email them to you. Many times (most of the time) the photos are absolutely awful. It's generally not because their camera can't perform well enough. It's generally due to a lack of effort to learn what the camera can or cannot do. Near the bottom of this page, there will be a section dedicated to helping you take better photos.

Better photos will make it much easier for me to help you get your amp repaired. If you've already read the repair information on this page and only need to see the new tips on photographing amps, click HERE. Autocad Free Download Software 2014.

A few years ago, I had only a few people asking for help. Now I have to respond to hundreds of requests (literally) every week. To get to as many as people as possible, I need the information sent to me to be clear and concise. A new section has been added to help you get the information I will need. If you've never read this page, continue reading below and you'll come to the section I've referred to here. If you've read this page repeatedly and want to go to the new section, click HERE.

If you're too lazy or getting the amp repaired isn't important enough to CAREFULLY and COMPLETELY read this section, please don't email me for help. Too many people need help with repairs to help those who won't put forth the effort required to get their amp repaired. Click HERE to go directly to the relevant section. Do NOT send diagrams and expect me to pay for them without FIRST letting me know what you have and allowing me to tell you what I am willing to pay for them.

I mainly need diagrams for Korean and Chinese made amplifiers. If you have any that you want to sell, email me and I'll let you know if I'm interested. There are some manufacturers that will provide schematics for free. I will pay for those also (if I don't yet have them) because I don't have time to collect all of them.

This is essentially a 'Cliffs- Notes' type page and isn't nearly as detailed as the tutorial I sell. However, it should answer many of the basic questions. Unless otherwise noted, this page will be dealing with class AB amplifiers (most full range amps are class AB or some variant, class A, class B). If you have a question about a repair, feel free to email me.

For example, if someone states that the datasheet for an IRFZ4. Someone well suited for this type of work would have immediately Googled 'datasheet' and 'IRFZ4. Free Download Software Memperkecil Ukuran Video. This would save the time between the posts or emails from the person helping you with the repair (or whatever you're doing) and shows that you're thinking and willing to put forth a bit of effort. This tells me a lot about a person's willingness/drive to learn.

Too many people are lazy and would prefer to wait on an answer because that lets them relax and gives an excuse for doing nothing. If you're the type of person that prefers waiting, you are not likely well suited for any job where you have to think (and this type of work requires you to constantly use logic to find various faults). This may sound harsh and may make you angry (some people are very easily angered) but I know what it takes to make it in the repair business and being lazy won't cut it.

Generally, the power supply will be on the end of the amplifier near the B+ and ground terminals. The audio section of the amplifier is generally on the other end of the amplifier (most commonly the end where the RCA jacks are located).

The power supply produces the various voltages required for the audio section. If the power supply is blown, there will be no audio (in most cases). In other words.. If you don't want your amp to go up in flames, read the following very carefully (don't just skim over it).

If it's under warranty, you should send it back to the manufacturer for repair. If you decide to repair the amplifier and you make mistakes, it could cost more than having the amp repaired by a repair shop. If you want to learn more about electronics, it may be worth the extra time and expense.

If you simply want your amp to work properly and you have no interest in learning more about electronics, pay someone to repair your amplifier. When powering up an amplifier that you're repairing, you should do so with a 1. ATC/ATO fuse in the B+ power line. A 1. 5 amp ATC/ATO fuse may be required for amps rated over 1. If there is a serious problem causing excessive current draw, the fuse will help protect the amplifier.

This is only used for low power and initial testing/troubleshooting. If you don't use a small fuse a very minor slip of a meter probe could result in hundreds of dollars worth of damage in a tiny fraction of a second. If the amp blows the fuse and you can't determine why (you can't find any defective parts and there is no direct short across the B+ and ground terminals), you need to power the amp up via a 2 ohm high- power resistor (2. H6. 05. 4 works relatively well). The resistor or headlamp will go in series with the B+ power supply wire. They limit the current going into the amplifier but generally allow enough current so that you can troubleshoot the problem. Please note that the voltage at the amplifier will be significantly less than the supply voltage when the current limiter is inline and the amplifier has a fault that causes excessive current draw.

Whenever possible, you should have the power semiconductors clamped tightly to the heatsink. It takes only seconds for a transistor to overheat and fail. Failure can occur even with the 1. If you remove the bottom cover from one of these amplifiers, the transistors will not be clamped tightly to the heatsink and may fail within a few seconds if power is applied. The bottom cover must be securely fastened to the amp any time power is applied. If troubleshooting requires that the cover be removed, it may be necessary to build clamps to hold down the transistors so they don't overheat. Voltage readings will be done with the amp powered up.

Be sure not to allow the meter probes to slip and short between terminals of the components when measuring voltage. It's very important that you don't come into physical contact with any of the components inside the amp when it's powered up. After removing power from the amp, wait at least one minute before touching any components. When measuring the voltage, the amplifier's main ground terminal is generally (but not always) a good reference point (for placement of the black meter probe). If you get strange voltage readings, email me with the make and model number of the amp and I'll try to help you find the correct reference point. Most have a low opinion of mechanics that are 'parts changers'.

Because they don't understand the operation of the various components in the vehicle well enough to troubleshoot properly, they make a guess as to what needs to be replaced and continue until they get lucky and find the defective part. This is time consuming and expensive. If you want to be a knowledgeable technician, you can learn on your own but that takes a lot of trial and error. The cost of the tutorial below is far less than the cost of the components that most rookie techs will destroy in their first few repairs. The following section is to help prevent confusion and provide additional information. For more detailed information, follow the links provided.

They are like valves. There are many different types of transistors.